Our Staff

Patrick Slyman

Teaching Pastor

Tim Drumm

Pastor of Student Ministries

Nathan Fogde

Pastor of Worship and Connections

Terry Ogdon

Children's Ministry Director

Regina Pimentel

Women's Ministry Co-Director

Buffi Taylor

Women's Ministry Co-Director

Barbee Andrew

Church Secretary

Kevin Brown

Church Administrator

Pam Dougliss

Assistant Children's Ministry Director

Julie Stawski

Church Secretary

Dennis Weems


Elders and Deacons


Elders are biblically qualified men (1 Timothy 3:2-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:2-3) who are given the responsibility by the Lord to lead His local church. The main priorities for the elders are studying and teaching the Word of God and praying for the people God has entrusted to their care (Acts 6:1-7; Ephesians 4:11-12; Colossians 1:9-12). This is referred to as “shepherding” throughout the New Testament. At EBC, each elder shepherds a group of members (10-20 families). The EBC elders are:

  • Luke Boswell
  • Kevin Brown
  • Tim Drumm
  • Nathan Fogde
  • Joseph Hunter
  • Dave McAllister
  • Josh Peterson
  • Patrick Slyman

Deacons are biblically qualified men (1 Timothy 3:8-13) that assist the elders in caring for the needs of the church (Acts 6). These responsibilities include baptism, membership, communion, visitation, benevolence, and the Deacon Scholarship. The EBC deacons are:

  • Kirk Blankenship
  • Diederik Bron
  • Mark Dye
  • Oscar Karok
  • Vic Monlux
  • Tom Murillo
  • Luis Pimentel