EBC is committed to local and global outreach because God’s purpose throughout human history has been to deliver depraved, hopeless sinners from around the world (Revelation 5:9-10) out of their sin and into a worship relationship with Himself (John 4:24). From the resurrection of Jesus onward, this saving task has been entrusted to the local church (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 13:1-3) and requires men and women to go and proclaim the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:9-16).

Our missions team actively leads in supporting our outreach partners with prayer and resources while they are on the field, as well as supports our outreach partners off the field through hosting receptions for our congregation to meet, fellowship with, and encourage our partners.

Please check out our Mochas for Missions coffee stand (located in the Chapel Foyer) for a list of our outreach partners.